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Student Financial Aid


You should only complete the Program of Study Form if you are a Post-Undergraduate or Graduate Non-Degree student who would like to be considered for Federal Loans. Approved students with this status are eligible only for federal student loans at the undergraduate loan level, ranging from $5,500 to $12,500, per academic year. To be considered for a loan you must be enrolled at least half-time (minimum 6 credit hours per semester going towards one criteria) in one of the following programs:

  • a second Bachelor's degree program for which you will receive a second Bachelor's degree
  • an Associate degree program
  • undergraduate prerequisite course work required for admission to a graduate program (limited to one year’s eligibility over lifetime)
  • an elementary or secondary school teaching credential or certification
  • an eligible certificate program

A student with a Bachelor's degree who is completing course work for a second undergraduate major is not eligible to receive federal financial aid. Students completing prerequisites for a graduate or professional degree program are limited to one year of eligibility for federal student loans. All students must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA and complete 67% of their overall attempted hours. In order to be considered for a federal student loan, you must:

  1. Complete the FAFSA
  2. Complete the Program of Study Form
  3. Students submitting a Program of Study form for the summer term should also refer to www.kent.edu/financialaid/summer for possible additional steps

The Program of Study form must be signed by an academic advisor from your degree granting college. Students taking pre-requisites for graduate or professional work should contact their graduate coordinator. After submitting the Program of Study form, you will need to check the status of your financial aid eligibility via your FlashLine Account by following these steps:

  1. Log into FlashLine
  2. Click Student tab in left column
  3. Under Finances click on Financial Aid
  4. Click Financial Aid Status
  5. Click on messages in “You have active messages.”

Complete the 2017 - 2018 Program of Study Form