Maximum Time Frame Form for Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

STUDENTS: Please print, complete this form and have your academic advisor verify your information. If you do not have an appeal on file, please submit your appeal with this form. Please return this form to your home financial aid office. Your signature attests that the information on this form is accurate.

Student's Name: ____________________________________________ Kent State ID Number:_____________________________

Student's Signature:__________________________________________________ Date:___________________________________

Declared Major/Degree student is seeking:________________________________________________________________________

List the total number of credit hours earned toward degree listed: ________

List the remaining number of credit hours needed to graduate with degree listed: ________

Provide the number of hours in the student’s overall earned hours that do not apply to the degree listed and explain why (example, student transferred in credit hours that do not count toward the degree) ________


List expected semester/year student will graduate with degree:______________________________________

Please list by semester the specific courses the student needs to graduate for the current academic year. If you are registered for courses not listed on this form, your appeal will automatically be denied.

Dept., Course NumberSemesterCredit(s)
Dept., Course NumberSemesterCredit(s)


ACADEMIC ADVISOR: Please verify that the information on this form is accurate based on what you know today. If there are errors, please correct the form and initial.

Advisor’s Name: _________________________________________ Department:_________________________________________
(Please print)
Advisor’s Signature: ________________________________ Phone number and email: ____________________________________

Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________